Thursday, June 03, 2010

Adventures in Packing: Part Un- Vêtements

5 weeks. One suitcase. One back pack.
Today's topic- Vêtements, or clothing.

I'm trying to fit everything for five weeks into one suitcase while trying to save room for things I might purchase. This is proving to be very difficult.

Instead of grading papers on this lovely evening, I decided to try outfit combinations on. Hannah, my lovable canine companion decided to help:
She is recovering from being very sick, so she can pretty much do whatever she wants and I'll think it's cute. 

This is what I've ended up with:
1 "dressy outfit"- This consists of dress, cardigan, and wedges. Packing another pair of shoes has irked me, but I was told we may meet some fancy people and to be prepared.
1 pair of Chacos.
1 pair of flip flops for the shower and lounging around. I guess I could use the Chacos, but I don't want them to be wet all day!
1 pair of Merrell's- Which I will wear on the plane.
2 pairs of Exofficio underwear and 1 pair of regular undies- Actually two in the suitcase because I will be wearing the other. I might have to devote a whole post to my love of Exofficio undies.
1 bra
3 pairs of socks
3 undershirts
1 t-shirt
2 dry wicking short sleeve shirts- one of them will be worn on the plane
1 pair of pants that can turn into shorts- I will be wearing these on the plane too
3 tunics
3 long skirts
1 pair of pajamas- I could just wear my underwear and an undershirt, but I just feel the need for PJs. Plus, it would be rude to my roomie if I was walking around all half naked.

I tried on a lot of different outfit combinations and I'll be able to make it through the five weeks, although I will probably not want to wear these clothes for a long time after we get home. In the end, my pile of clothes and shoes to pack looks like this:
Not bad. And wow, our floor looks nice here. 

I know I'll unpack and repack about two more times in the next seventeen days, but at least I have an idea of what I'm doing now!

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