Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Earworm Wednesday: The Purge Update

I've been listening to some old favorites from Modest Mouse lately. This probably due to the nostalgia caused by my gigantic de-cluttering project. I've been reading old letters, filing old pictures, collecting old concert ticket stubs-- it has been a walk through my late teens and 20's.

In a five hour frenzy last night accompanied by Parenthood on Netflix, I finished the three week project that has been de-cluttering my closet and most of my office. The last step is the de-cluttering of my bookshelf, which will happen over the next week. Then I will post an in-depth analysis of this cleansing process along with embarrassing pictures of the space at its worst. It's really terrible. If I didn't address it, you probably would have seen me on Hoarders in a few years, trapped behind walls of clothes that didn't fit properly but only cost $5.

I need Dramamine after all of that motion. 

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