Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Earworm Wednesday: End of Summer Make-Out Songs

This week's earworm is a plethora of songs that have filled my head since I realized that the Hubs and I have been together for ten years. We met at the end of the summer in 2002 and starting dating in September-- the actual anniversary is unknown because I don't think we made a big deal out of it. We were just... together. The end of the summer is a great time to start dating someone. You wake up in the middle of night and cover yourself with an extra blanket trying to figure out how it got so cold. A chill in the air means that making out is a great way to keep warm. We definitely did a lot of that in the Fall of 2002... muahaha.

When we met this song was on the radio all the time and it always reminds me of being in a good mood because I just met a cool dude:

When we met I loved the movie crazy/beautiful (why? I don't know) and this song from the soundtrack quickly became one of my favorites:

When we met I started listening to Nick Drake. My embarrassing confession is that one day I said this to the Hubs: "I started listening to this folky guy... Nick Drake? He's new, right?" Sigh.

When we met I was still a big "Dave" fan. Everyone (including me) was always wearing hemp necklaces and saying stuff like like, "Ooooo, did you get the new DAVE bootleg with Tim Reynolds? Dude, it was so sweet." I still think this song is really beautiful and I used to listen to it on burned CD "mixtapes" with my Discman. I apologize for the cheesy picture slideshow... this was the best version I could find:

When we met I was so happy to find a person who liked Miles Davis as much as I did:

When we met I got really into Van Morrison. There is something about his music that just screams Fall. 

Now that you once again know too much information about me, I think it's time for me to go to bed and I think you should go make out with someone. 

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