Friday, September 18, 2015

New Song for My (and Your) Ears!

Lord Huron was amazing last night! I'd won tickets to Wilco at the State Theater, but I've already seen them play an amazing show-- one I will remember for my whole life.

Lord Huron has been in my weekly rotation since I first heard them two years ago and I had to see them again. My first time was at the Pyramid Scheme in GR and the sound was so bad that I wanted to scream!!! So much feedback. Not good for such a good band. Last night more than made up for it. It was a great non-food way to enjoy week two of Whole30 too.
Loved it all!
Plus, they played a new song, which was just lovely (as all their songs are):

The drummer, Mark Berry's, parents were in the audience and we spoke to them after the show. They were so cute, talking about how they've bands he's in playing in their basement since he was in fourth grade. As a fellow Bands in the Basement Person, this made me like them automatically. 

I really enjoyed the opening band at this show too-- Son Little. Of course, his performance had that awkward "opening band so no one knows their songs vibe" and the audience was really quiet, but I was moving my head around and groovin'. I looked Son Little up on Spotify and did some listening yesterday-- that's some good blusey, soulful stuff! Check them out:

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