Tuesday, September 09, 2014

The Purge Project: The Long Term Wardrobe

My first huge clothing purges are over. The next purge will come six months to a year from now when I see what I've actually worn through every season. After that, I'm hoping that I will never have to do such a crazy clothing purge again!
As of today, I've got twelve hangers flipped #FTW.
Since I flipped the hangers, I've removed a few pieces from the wardrobe because they don't feel like me anymore. Being in a different career than teaching has meant that my style has had to adjust a little.

On the super plus side, getting dressed in the morning takes a lot less time now that I don't have to dig through so many clothes. Plus, they all seem new to me.

I'm working on defining my style. I even took a few style quizzes to see what they said:
This is the one I agreed with, although I don't agree with the "You are what you wear!" statement. The other quiz I took said to wear big silky wide leg pants and flowing tops with lace and embroidery. Maybe when I was spinning in circles at moe shows at the age of nineteen, but not now. 
Having money while I reshape my wardrobe would be amazing, however, no will fund my Pretty Woman shopping spree:
Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I need clothes too? 

On that note, I had a fateful moment in the car with All Things Considered on NPR yesterday. I heard a piece about online personal stylists and checked out the site that was being discussed. That's how I found myself taking some time to read the FAQs on Stitch Fix and signing up for a bi-monthly Fix.
This could be good because...
1. I won't be tempted to go shopping and spend way more than I have because I will only have five items to deliberate over instead of a whole department store.
2. I filled out a style profile and connected the stylist to my clothing board on Pinterest. I tried to be as detailed as possible. Will this "stylist" really look it over?
3. It's $20 per fix and the money goes towards any pieces that you purchase. Score.
4. I was complaining about probably never being able to afford a personal stylist and now, maybe I can?

This could be bad because...
1. I'm curvy. It's not a bad thing for me, but it might be bad for my self-esteem if everything that is sent to me doesn't fit. 

My first Fix is coming on October 11th... is this what I've been waiting for? Was my moment with NPR not a sign that I should try Stitch Fix? We shall see.
Click here to check out Stitch Fix, but maybe don't sign up until you see if I've wasted $20. I will post about my first Fix as soon as I get it.

Inspiration for rebuilding and replacing pieces of my wardrobe:
On building a grown up wardrobe: aj wears clothes
On the idea of a French wardrobe: The Urban List

Inspiration for being picky and further paring down the wardrobe:
On contentment and a happy closet: Pink Ronnie

1 comment:

BroJoe said...

When I purge, it involves lots of crying near the toilet.

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