Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Earworm Wednesday: Christmas Time is Here

Oh yes. Time to listen to my favorite Christmas albums while I can. I'm not a huge Christmas person, but I love a few Christmas albums and songs-- mostly because of nostalgia. In honor of Earworm Wednesday, here is some of my favorite Christmas music:
Makes me think of my childhood. I love this. It always puts me in a good mood. 

The Nutcracker Suite-- especially this movie from 1986. It was my favorite holiday movie when I was younger. Plus, Maurice Sendak noted the costumes and sets. Anyone else love this movie?

Hellooooo, I came of age in the 90s. This is obviously one of my favorites. 

Some of this beautiful music gets totally trampled by songs like The Christmas Shoes. Bleh. What are some of your favorite holiday songs? Sorry if I just made fun The Christmas Shoes if that is your favorite. 

I'm having a great week. I've been feeling down lately, mostly due to the cloudy weather and the sun has been out for the last two days. It's beautiful. If winter in Michigan could be sunny and thirty-seven every day, I'd be a happy girl.

Have a wonderful rest of the week!

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