On Saturday I completed my first outdoor triathlon!
The end of the Double Time Triathlon |
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My head was warmer if I kept the swim cap on. |
My first transition was a disaster at 3 minutes and 32 seconds. I didn't bring an extra towel and my bike shorts wouldn't pull up over my damp thighs. It was like trying to stuff a bratwurst through a Chinese fingertrap. One of my friends had a bottle of baby powder on her towel, so I ran over to it and flung powder all over my lower half like a crazy woman. My black bike shorts looked like I'd been baking and had an accident with the flour but I didn't care. Note to self: Practice transitions for the next tri!
I finally got on my bike and realized the pedals weren't moving me forward because THE CHAIN FELL OFF. Good thing I know how to put a bike chain back on. Oh wait, I don't. It took a few seconds of me in a state of panic yelling, "AH! I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PUT A BIKE CHAIN BACK ON! HELP!" for a nice elderly gentleman to laughingly and gently put the bike chain on. I've got to learn how to do simple things like put a bike chain on my bike if I'm going to keep up with this.
The bike ride is always the slowest part of tri training for me. I just started biking and I'm not very fast. However, I felt like I did an okay job and it was a beautiful ride in the country. I kept a steady cadence and got to eat some Jelly Belly Sport Beans along the way. I've been training on a hill with crazy ups and downs, so this ride was pretty easy. I finished 11.75 miles in 44 minutes and 25 seconds.
Transition 2 wasn't too bad at 50 seconds, but the person who won transitioned in 34 seconds. How?! I'll learn.
Finally, it was time for the 5k. My normal 5k time is just shy of thirty minutes, so my goal was to finish in thirty minutes. I figured my legs would be tired so I tacked on a minute or two.
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Thanks to my best bud A.J. for the support and pics! |
Thanks Wiz Khalifa.
Total time: 1 hour, 24 minutes, 55 seconds
I came in third place out of four in my age group (this was a super small tri) and even though it's not that big of an accomplishment, I'm still pretty proud of myself because I finished!
I'm a wiener! |
Yep. I wore my medal when we stopped to get jerky on the way home. I thought about eating some lard because I burned over 1,000 calories but then I thought better of it. |
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Finishers! That girl next to me is the badass (otherwise known as Danielle) I train with. She's my inspiration and we are going to ROCK the Tri Goddess Tri! |
Goal complete! Have a great week everyone!
I vow to stay away from the "I finished my first sprint tri so I'm going to eat anything I want all week without logging the calories" attitude. Well, I will do that after I eat these toffee covered almonds.
3. Swim across West Twin Lake and Rose Lake. 4. Bike the Kal-Haven Trail. 5. Play the piano in front of people. 6. Visit my family in the Philippines (or at least have tickets booked by my 30th birthday). 7. Have a conversation with a dear Senegalese friend in French or Wolof (preferably Wolof).
8. Visit my grandparents in California.
9. Pop a champagne cork with no fear. 10. Make leche flan (it's Filipino, it's amazing, and I'm makin' it). 11. Jar or can veggies, pickles, sauce... something. 12. Revised 5/1/12 because I remembered that I'm supposed to graduate in December and my Master's degree is really important to me!!! Get my Master's degree and submit some of my academic writing and then, maybe, you know... get it published. 13. Travel out of the country with Nate. 14. Pay off at least 50% of my remaining undergraduate credit card debt. 15. Sing karaoke by myself in Kalamazoo in front of all of my friends. 16. Eat clean for one month. 17. Pick berries and bake something with them. 18. Write at least one chapter of the novel that I write in my mind while I'm walking the dogs. 19. Thank my mom for everything she's done for me. 20. Go further into the UP than the Mystery Spot tourist trap and jump into Lake Superior. 21. Get chosen for one more summer fellowship in another country where I am able to work with youth. 22. Go on a police ride along. 23. Get to 200 blog posts. 24. Revised 5/1/12 25. Attend roller derby training so I can learn the moves. 26. 27. Take a real personal day. 28. Learn how to drive a stick. 29. Go horseback riding. 30. Poach an egg perfectly. |
Shoot, girl , I wear my finishers medal all damn day when I finish a race. (Finish, not place. If I PLACED, that ish would never be off my neck!)
Congrats! hate to say it, but I still get nervous before the start of a race, and I've done a couple now. (Just running, no Tri's for me.)
Hahaha, thanks! I did wear that thing all day long. I should have worn it to the bar to see if I could get free drinks!
One of my friends was like, "Now you have to do a half marathon!" We'll see!
You and your blog are both awesome.
Awwww dang training buddy! Like I said, we are going kick some ass at Tri Goddess Tri and I'm so glad we will be together!!!
Super awesome accomplishment and a TON to be proud of! Good luck at your next tri and the many more that will surely follow :)
Thanks Kristie!!! When are YOU going to do a tri?
OMG!! Is it not seriously the best feeling in the world??!! I swear I floated around like a newlywed for a week afterwards. CONGRATULATIONS!! You so deserve kudos! You made a plan with a end goal and you accomplished something most people will never do!! YOU ARE NOW A TRIATHLETE!:)
And here ya go, maybe you haven't seen it?
Thanks Kari! I decided to use the 3x balanced sprint training plan from Beginner Tri. I definitely feel really cool and awesome and I want to tell everybody what i did! Haha
You are amazing! I'm am so happy for you. ^_^
Congratulations! I am trying to get into...some kind of exercise routine. Literally just did my first "run" today (although it was more like a jog/walk) to try & prepare for The Color Run (a 5k I want to do). I'll have to start reading your blog for inspiration! (ps- came by from 20sb)
Yep, I just started working out last August and I'm feeling great! I'm doing the Color Run too! Mine is in July, when is yours?
Congrats! You are such a rock star! I don't know if I could ever complete a tri!
You had a phenomenal day! Congrats all around. Hardware makes it even sweeter.
I think that you were a little too critical on your performance. Most triathletes breathe every other stroke while racing. Your run was awesome.
Can't wait to hear about the next one.
Thanks ladies! And yes, I am always too hard on myself. I just didn't know what to expect. Open water swimming is so much harder than lap swimming!
I'm excited for the next one now that I know what to expect. :)
AWESOME JOB!! I ran last night (first time back at the gym since before thyroid cancer) and it was PAINFUL!!! I hate that I have to start back the the beginning. But reading about your Bad Ass-ness is super motivating!
Way to be. :)
Go you, Natalie!!!! Awesome!
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